• DX610-3BSE013087R1  |  Components for industrial automation |  Function module
  • DX610-3BSE013087R1  |  Components for industrial automation |  Function module

DX610-3BSE013087R1 | Components for industrial automation | Function module

Product ID: Number: 3BSE013087R1
ABB model name: DX610
Directory Description: DX610 Dig/output 6Ch, < 60VDC, relay
Net product thickness/length: 252 mm
Product height: 273 mm
Product width: 40mm
Net weight: 1.49 kg
  • DX610-3BSE013087R1  |  Components for industrial automation |  Function module
Product ID: Number: 3BSE013087R1
ABB model name: DX610
Directory Description: DX610 Dig/output 6Ch, < 60VDC, relay
Net product thickness/length: 252 mm
Product height: 273 mm
Product width: 40mm
Net weight: 1.49 kg
Description: S600 I/O digital input/output module. 6 channels, < 60 V DC, relay contacts
Each output is isolated separately.
DX610-3BSE013087R1 is a product of ABB, which is a component or module in the field of industrial automation. Although there is no detailed official documentation or manual to directly describe the specific functions and features of this product, we can speculate on its possible features and uses based on ABB's consistent product features and naming conventions.

First of all, from the name point of view, DX610-3BSE013087R1 is likely to be a functional module or interface module for signal transmission, data processing or control functions in industrial automation systems. ABB's industrial automation products typically have a high degree of reliability, stability and accuracy, so this module may also have these characteristics.

Second, the module may support multiple communication protocols and interfaces for seamless integration with other devices and systems. It may also have flexible configuration options to suit different application needs.

In addition, given ABB's leading position in industrial automation, the DX610-3BSE013087R1 may also have some advanced features such as fault diagnosis, remote monitoring and configuration to improve the overall performance and maintainability of the system.